Al Qat Al Asiri
Mural for Crowne Plaza Hotel Riyadh
Al Qat Al Asiri is a tradition practiced by women in Saudi Arabia, that would consist of painting the walls of their homes, with geometric patterns in linear compositions.
There is a legend that Al Qat Al Asiri began when little girls, playing outside, discovered flowers in the desert. Struck by the beauty of their patterns and colors, they ran home, placed the flowers in vases, and painted them on the walls. This practice eventually became a tradition.
Flowers grow, bloom and die but like poetry their cycle is everlasting.
Plastic Everywhere
Mural for Crowne Plaza Hotel Riyadh, in collaboration with Teo Gaudet.
Crowne Hotel wanted to decorate their newly refurbished parking lobby while also raising consciousness on the daunting ecological matters at stake today. We chose to focus on plasics. After multiple field trips photographing, scanning and gathering plastic debris, we more specifically focused on what we saw around us, all the time, and in the sea.